El penalti

The penalty

Direction: Alonso Valbuena
Screenplay: Alonso Valbuena
Producer: Alonso Valbuena
Cinematography: Alonso Valbuena
Edition: Alonso Valbuena
Sound: Enrique Leal
Cast: Fram Capa

Runtime: 22:51
Format: Digital
Dialogues: Spanish
Subtitles: English
Country: Spain
Year: 2018

Young unemployed actor seeks work in the catering industry. The synopsis of El Penalti may seem like an advertising for words, but the tone goes beyond the disenchanted image of one of many contemporary working odysseys: the irony and humor inherent in the absurd, pushed by the perplexed and phlegmatic humanity of the actor Fram Capa. In difficult times there is no choice but to offer the world our best smile, even if it is as false as a resumé. (Martin Pawley)


FILMADRID Festival Internacional de Cine | Spain, Jun 2018
Festival de Cine Europeo de Sevilla | Spain, Nov 2018