La Gàbia

The Cage

Direction: Adán Aliaga
Screenplay: Adán Aliaga, Isa Feliu
Production company: Jaibo Films
Producer: Miguel Molina
Cinematography: Adán Aliaga
Edition: Sergi Dies, Adán Aliaga
Sound: Isa Feliu
FX: Miguel Ángel Garví
Cast: Vicente Aliaga, Elena Pastor

Runtime: 19:50
Format: Digital
Dialogues: Catalan
Subtitles: English, Spanish
Country: Spain
Year: 2021

Vicente and Elena spend Sunday at their country house on the outside of Alicante. Vicente has bought a new canary because a cat that roams the area ate one of his canaries. Elena does not like birds in cages, but they are Vicente's favorite pastime and they keep him company. Now they have to teach the new canary to sing.


Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid - SEMINCI | Spain, Oct 2021
Premios Goya - Academia de Cine | Spain, Feb 2023 Nominated for Best Documentary Short Film
D'A Film Festival Barcelona | Spain, Apr 2022
Concurso de Cortometrajes «Versión Española/SGAE» | Spain, Apr 2022 Third Prize
Rural FilmFest | Spain, Jul 2022
Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Elche | Spain, Jul 2022
ABYCINE - Festival de Cine de Albacete | Spain, Sep 2022 Audience Award
Radio City - Festival internacional de cortometrajes | Spain, May 2023 Special Jury Mention
Quartmetratges - Concurs de Curtmetratges de Quart de Poblet | Spain, Oct 2022 Best Documentary
Mostra de Curtmetratges de Moscatell | Spain, Aug 2022